Milad Hooshmandzadeh


One: I killed all these mosquitos all by myself. With my own hands. Because they were getting on my nerves. Their buzzing in my ear wouldn’t let me work, it was distracting me. Their bites were itchy. But I was able to get rid of them, since I was stronger, and since they were tiny. Because killing a mosquito is the most legitimate kind of killing. I didn’t have to wonder “Am I getting on their nerves too?” I usually saw them through a distance, so as they crushed under my hand I had no idea if they were feeling any pain or not.
Two: There’s a reason why photography is compared with hunting. When you target something with a gun and pull the trigger, the target is fixed, permanently. Just like when you decide on your frame, click the shutter, and then the living subject of photography is metamorphosed into an object immediately, it is fixed forever.
Three: When mosquitos get crushed under our hands, we do not observe the moment of their death. Just like the moment that we are taking a photo; camera’s mirror goes up and covers the prism, then the shutter opens and closes. At that instant, we don’t see anything through the viewfinder. We take photos right when we do not see our object of photography.
Four: I was targeting the mosquitos from a distance as well, I would slowly raise my hand, in a way that they wouldn’t notice, just like a stealth aircraft, and then, in a proper moment: “Tep”
Five: All the blood stains that you see are mine.
Six: To be honest, the only thing that I was thinking about while taking these pictures was composition and lighting; “The pure photographic experience” which was nothing but the aesthetics of killing. And after I took the picture all I was thinking about was whether they would make a good series or not, whether anyone would buy this commodity or not, because if they do, it would facilitate this “pure photographic experience”!