Still Life
Installation and Performance

2012 May

From too excited, jumping into the air or too sad, in the sink.
Of joy, laughter or too sad, crying.
Too fond of, embracing or anger, fist banging.
Too timid, or too painful crawl into a corner, crying to.
All human response to the reality.
But what is indifferent stand, or skip?
Is apathy, lack of reaction? Or their reaction?


Still life / layout / 17 MAY 2012 /visiting: 6PM – 8 PM
Designed and directed by Alireza Bshyrrad - Navid Tehrani - Spring Taheri - M. Mirghasemi
Design and construction of the structures: Siena Year
Medical Advisor: B. Amirizadeh
Artistic Advisor: M. Moheb Ali
Accompanied by serious Fariba work

AR Bshyrrad