Nasim Taghipour

Form‌ land

Sometimes a small difference in sounds and letters causes a even, an effective event that history is going to remember forever. This difference manifests itself in writing. Writing the history follows a goal which is fighting distortion and exaggeration therefore we have to be more cautious when it comes to writing and registering events and historical writing.
Once words are written they are trusted. Trusting words with a difference in a vowel or a consonant or even mispunctuation and typos may have never affected you, but it sure has left its mark on history. There is a list of mispunctuations and slight changes in letters that caused misunderstanding. You pronounce these words the same.
Troop and troupe
Son and sun
Hi and high
Eye and I
Band and banned
Berry and burry
Rain and rein
Descent and dissent
Profit and prophet
Tear and tier
We call these words homophones. You may hear and understand which words the speaker is referring to without even seeing the written form of the words. Let’s take a look at these two sentences for instance:
-I got a knot in my stomach.
-It’s not my fault.
In the first sentence the word knot refers to a bad feeling you get when you forget something or you have stress. And in the second sentence the word not refers to not being. Now imagine you are about to hear a phrase from a teacher, a politician, a priest, or maybe a psychologist, now you tell me which one is correct, Speak your piece or speak your peace?